Price: ₹999 - ₹598.00
(as of Sep 09, 2024 12:30:26 UTC – Details)
MiNi CoOlEr FoR RoOm CoOlInG MiNi CoOlEr AiR CoOlEr PoRtAbLe AiR CoNdItIoNeRs FoR HoMe OfFiCe ArTiC CoOlEr 3 In 1 CoNdItIoNeR MiNi CoOlEr HoME
Product Dimensions : 7 x 5 x 6 cm; 730 g
Date First Available : 15 April 2024
Manufacturer : CTRL
Item part number : CS-90
Manufacturer : CTRL, CTRL
Packer : CTRL
Item Weight : 730 g
Item Dimensions LxWxH : 7 x 5 x 6 Centimeters
Net Quantity : 1.00 count
[EaSy To UsE] :It CaN SpRaY CoLd AiR FoR SeVeRaL HoUrS CoNtInUoUsLy To KeEp YoUr BoDy CoOl At NiGhT AnD MaKe YoU SlEeP WeLl. ThE LiGhTwEiGhT FaN AnD SoOtHiNg NiGhT LiGhT MaKe It IdEal FoR A CoMfOrTaBlE SlEeP AlL NiGhT.
[EnViRoNmEnTaL PrOtEcTiOn]:CoMpArEd WiTh TrAdItIoNaL FrEoN AiR CoNdItIoNeRs, It CaN SaVe At LeAsT 90% Of ElEcTrIcItY In SuMmEr. ThE AiR CoNdItIoNeR Is FiLlEd WiTh WaTeR AnD DoEs NoT CoNtAiN AnY HaRmFuL ChEmIcAlS. In SuMmEr, It Is An IdAaL GiFt FoR YoU, YoUr FaMily AnD FrIeNdS.
[ThE MoIsT AiR Is FrRgRaNt] :ThE PoRtAbLe AiR-CoNdItIoNeR CaN SoLvE ThE ShOrTcOmInGs Of ThEsE TwO PrOdUcTs, ThRoUgH ThE EvApOrAtIoN Of NaTuRaL WaTeR AnD CoOlInG AiR . NeVeR DrY , LoW PoWeR CoNsUmPtIoN.
[3 SpEeD WiNd SpEeD MoDe]: ThIs MoBiLe AiR CoNdItIoNeR HaS ThReE LeVeLs Of WiNd SpEeD (HiGh, MeDiUm, LoW), YoU CaN ChOoSe ThE LeIsUrR TiMe, SlEeP TiMe Or WoRkInG TiMe ThAt SuItS YoU BeSt. ThE BuIlT-In CoLoRful AnD SoFt LeD LiGhTs CaN NoT OnLy CrEaTe A RoMaNtIc AtMoSpHeRe, BuT AlSo HeLp YoU ImPrOvE YoUr SlEeP.
[HaVe MoRe ChOiCeS]:ThReE PoWeR SuPpLy MeThOdS, YoU CaN UsE ThE UsB PoRt Of MoBiLe DeViCeS SuCh As LaPtOpS FoR PoWeR SuPpLy.
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