AMAZPLUS PeRsOnAl aIr cOoLeR, pOrTaBlE Ac fOr hOmE, mInI CoOlEr fOr rOoM CoOlInG, pOrTaBlE MiNi cOoLeR WiTh 7 cOlOrS LeD LiGhT, 1/2/3 h tImEr, 3 WiNd sPeEdS AnD 3 SpRaY MoDeS – AsSoRtEd cOlOr

AMAZPLUS PeRsOnAl aIr cOoLeR, pOrTaBlE Ac fOr hOmE, mInI CoOlEr fOr rOoM CoOlInG, pOrTaBlE MiNi cOoLeR WiTh 7 cOlOrS LeD LiGhT, 1/2/3 h tImEr, 3 WiNd sPeEdS AnD 3 SpRaY MoDeS – AsSoRtEd cOlOr

Price: ₹9,999 - ₹1,260.00
(as of Sep 17, 2024 16:11:06 UTC – Details)

Product Description

Ultra Quiet Air Supply


Beat the heat with the Amazplus Mist Fan, a revolutionary cooling solution designed to provide instant relief during scorching summer days. Engineered with cutting-edge technology and innovative features, this mist fan combines the functionality of a traditional fan with the refreshing misting capabilities, offering unparalleled cooling comfort wherever you need it.


Refreshing Fragrance Pad

Whether you’re unwinding after a long day, creating a serene ambiance for meditation or yoga practice, or simply seeking refuge from the summer heat, the Refreshing Fragrance Pad elevates your surroundings with its enchanting aromas. From cozy living rooms to sun-drenched patios, let the Amazplus Mist Fan with Refreshing Fragrance Pad turn any space into a haven of peace and tranquility.

Strong Air Supply


The Amazplus Mist Fan offers unparalleled versatility with its three-speed settings, allowing you to tailor your cooling experience to your precise preferences and needs. Whether you’re seeking a gentle breeze for a peaceful evening on the patio, a medium setting for bustling gatherings with friends and family, or a powerful blast of air to combat the midday heat, this mist fan has you covered. With just the touch of a button, effortlessly transition between the different speed options to create the perfect atmosphere for any occasion. Enjoy the flexibility to adjust the airflow intensity to suit your mood and comfort level, ensuring that you stay cool and comfortable no matter the weather outside. Whether you’re relaxing at home, hosting outdoor events, or working in the garden, the three-speed settings of the Amazplus Mist Fan offer unparalleled convenience and customization, ensuring that you always have the perfect breeze at your fingertips.

Effortless Cooling




Multi Port Charging Adapter

Introducing the Amazplus Mist Fan, your ultimate cooling companion equipped with multi-port functionality for enhanced convenience and versatility. This innovative mist fan features multiple ports, allowing you to effortlessly connect and power additional devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, or other electronic gadgets while enjoying the refreshing breeze it provides

Easy-to-Use Controls

Effortlessly adjust settings, mist levels, and fragrance intensity with user-friendly controls conveniently located on the fan’s base or remote control.

Stylish and Sleek

With its modern and sleek design, the Amazplus Mist Fan adds a touch of elegance to any space while providing superior cooling performance and aromatherapy benefits

Easy to Clean


Experience hassle-free maintenance with the Amazplus Mist Fan, designed for effortless cleaning and upkeep. Engineered with user convenience in mind, this mist fan features a sleek and accessible design that allows for quick and easy cleaning whenever needed. The fan blades and misting nozzles are easily accessible, enabling you to wipe away dust and debris with a gentle cloth or brush, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Additionally, the detachable water tank can be effortlessly removed and cleaned, preventing the buildup of residue and ensuring fresh, clean misting every time. With the Amazplus Mist Fan, keeping your cooling companion in pristine condition is a breeze, so you can enjoy continuous comfort without the hassle of complicated maintenance routines. Say goodbye to tedious cleaning chores and hello to effortless upkeep with the Amazplus Mist Fan.

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More Water Storage

The Amazplus Mist Fan boasts a large water tank, offering extended misting duration for uninterrupted cooling comfort. Designed with convenience in mind, this generous water reservoir eliminates the need for frequent refills, allowing you to enjoy continuous misting for extended periods without interruption. Whether you’re lounging on the patio, hosting outdoor gatherings, or working in the garden, the large water tank ensures that you stay cool and refreshed throughout the day. Additionally, the transparent design of the water tank allows for easy monitoring of water levels, so you can refill as needed without any guesswork. With the Amazplus Mist Fan’s large water tank, staying comfortably cool has never been easier or more convenient. Experience long-lasting relief from the heat and enjoy uninterrupted comfort with the Amazplus Mist Fan.

Maximize Comfort Large water tank for extended misting without frequent refills. Ideal for continuous cooling during outdoor activities and indoor use. Transparent design enables easy monitoring of water levels. Ensures long-lasting comfort and relief from the heat.

Seven Adjustable Colors


The Amazplus Mist Fan offers a vibrant array of seven different colors to complement any decor and suit every style preference. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of classic black, the fresh and airy vibe of white, or the bold statement of red, there’s a color option to match your unique taste. Dive into the calming hues of blue or green for a tranquil ambiance, or add a pop of personality with the playful shades of pink or purple. With such a diverse selection, you can easily find the perfect color to enhance your space and elevate your cooling experience. Experience not only the refreshing breeze but also the visual delight of the Amazplus Mist Fan in your favorite shade.

Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 10 x 5 x 5 cm; 200 g
Date First Available ‏ : ‎ 27 June 2024
Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Amazplus
Item model number ‏ : ‎ 26-AMS
Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China
Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Amazplus, Amazplus
Packer ‏ : ‎ Amazplus
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 200 g
Net Quantity ‏ : ‎ 1.00 count

❄【ImPoRtAnT TiPs bEfOrE BuYiNg!!!】 pLeAsE NoTe tHaT ThIs iS A MiNi aIr cOoLeR FoR PeRsOnAl/dEsK UsE OnLy, NoT AvAiLaBlE FoR CoOlInG A LaRgE SpAcE Or a wHoLe rOoM. 【AvAiLaBlE CoOlInG DiStAnCe】≤ 3.5Ft. In oRdEr fOr tHe uLtRaSoNiC AtOmIzEr tO WoRk pRoPeRlY, pRoHiBiT ThE UsE Of pUrE WaTeR, pLeAsE UsE TaP WaTeR RiCh iN MiNeRaLs.
❄【600mL LaRgE WaTeR TaNk】600Ml wAtEr cAn cOnTiNuOuSlY KeEp sPrAyInG FoR 2.5-12 hOuRs (DePeNdInG On tHe sPeEd), rEmOvAbLe wAtEr tAnK CoVeR CaN HeLpS YoU MoRe eAsIlY ClEaN YoUr wAtEr tAnK AnD AdD WaTeR& iCe cUbE In tHe wAtEr cOnTaInEr.
❄【AdJuStAbLe wInD SpEeDs & aUtOmAtIc tImInG】3 WiNd sPeEdS (hIgH,MeDiUm,lOw) CaN Be aDjUsTeD, mAnUaL Up-dOwN To aDjUsT BlOwInG DiReCtIoN WiThIn 60℃To mEeT YoUr dIfFeReNt nEeDs.tHrEe aUtOmAtIc tImInG (1/2/3H), YoU CaN ChOoSe tHe mOsT SuItAbLe oNe tO EnJoY YoUr lEiSuRe tImE, sLeEpInG Or wOrKiNg tImE.
❄【7 cOlOr lIgHtS & LoW NoIsE】- ThE MiStInG FaN HaS 7 SoFt cOlOrS AnD 1 FaDe cHoIcEs iN AlL. pLaCe iN DiNiNg oR CoFfEe tAbLe tO CrEaTe a rOmAnTiC AtMoSpHeRe! DeSkToP AiR CoOlEr fAn cAn wOrK PoWeRfUlLy aT A LoW NoIsE LeVeL, lEt yOu eNjOy a cOmFoRtAbLe sLeEp aLl nIgHt wItH SuItAbLe tEmPeRaTuRe.
❄【PoWeR SuPpLy mEtHoDs & eNeRgY SaViNg】pLeAsE MaKe sUrE To uSe tHe pRoViDeD AdApTeR AnD TyPe-c cAbLe tO CoNnEcT ThE AiR CoOlEr aNd pLuG It iNtO ThE SoCkEt, OtHeRwIsE An uNnOrMaL ShUt dOwN WoUlD Be cAuSeD AfTeR A FeW MiNuTeS. bEsIdEs, ThE PoRtAbLe aIr fAn oPeRaTeS At a lOw eNeRgY CoNsUmPtIoN, mUcH ChEaPeR ThAn rUnNiNg a fReOn aIr cOnDiTiOnEr. ✨sO ThE AiR CoOlEr fAn iS DeSiGnEd fOr pErSoNaL UsE OnLy aNd dOeSn’t cOoL RoOm.

Author: ram kumar

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