Price: ₹4,999 - ₹1,399.00
(as of Sep 18, 2024 04:37:43 UTC – Details)
Product Description
The powerful, compact personal air cooler that pulls warm air from the room through its evaporative water filter to fill any space with cool, clean comfortable air! Arctic Air cools, humidifies, and purifies for better air! Simply fill with water, plug it into any standard wall outlet or USB port and enjoy! It runs up to 8 hours per fill! Arctic Air is an evaporative air cooler that allows you to create your own personal climate! The whisper-quiet fan and soothing night light make it perfect to use throughout the night for a comfortable sleep!
Easy to Clean
Removable design helps you more easily clean your water tank and add water& ice cube in the water container; Portable handle, you can easily carry it out, very suitable for homes, offices, outdoor picnics, etc.
Beautiful Design
Classic leather handle, easy to carry around, you can use it in office, bedroom, leisure area, travel and other occasions. Compact and portable design, perfect for small spaces or as a personal air conditioner.
7 Color LED Lights
The private air conditioner can display 7-color LED lights, you can choose your favorite color at will, and there is also a gradient mode, Bring more fun to your family.
Timer Function
3 kinds of automatic timing (1H / 2H / 3H), you can choose the most suitable one to enjoy your leisure time, sleep or working time. The misting fan has 7 soft colors and 1 fade choices in all.
3 Wind Speed Mode
The evaporative air cooler has three wind speeds: low, medium, and high, making it suitable for office work, yoga fitness, room reading, kitchen cooking, and a delicate gift for a friend.
Create A Personal Comfort Zone
It is not only an personal air cooler, but also an air humidifier. You can use the small evaporative air cooler all year round, cooling you in hot summer and humidifying the air in dry autumn and winter. The mini air cooler adopts a three-hole water mist spray design: one hole for 24 hours, two holes for 12 hours, and three holes for 8 hours, working longer than most portable air cooler fans on the market.
Super Quiet & Energy Saving
Our air cooler fan has low noise, so you will not be disturbed whether you are working or falling asleep. This innovative device combines efficiency with a compact and elegant design. Whether at home, the office, or on a camping trip, you can keep your personal space cool and comfortable all day long.
Package Dimensions : 15 x 10 x 10 cm; 200 g
Date First Available : 5 July 2024
Manufacturer : A2Z HUB
Item model number : 19-OMS-4
Country of Origin : China
Manufacturer : A2Z HUB, A2Z HUB
Packer : A2Z HUB
Item Weight : 200 g
Net Quantity : 1.00 count
❄ pErSoNaL AiR CoOlEr & aIr hUmIdIfIeR – It iS NoT OnLy aN PeRsOnAl aIr cOoLeR, bUt aLsO An aIr hUmIdIfIeR. yOu cAn uSe tHe sMaLl eVaPoRaTiVe aIr cOoLeR AlL YeAr rOuNd, CoOlInG YoU In hOt sUmMeR AnD HuMiDiFyInG ThE AiR In dRy aUtUmN AnD WiNtEr. A FuLl tAnK Of wAtEr cAn cOnTiNuOuSlY KeEp sPrAyInG FoR 2.5-12 hOuRs (DePeNdInG On tHe sPeEd).
❄AdJuStAbLe wInD SpEeDs & aUtOmAtIc tImInG – 3 WiNd sPeEdS (hIgH,MeDiUm,lOw) CaN Be aDjUsTeD, mAnUaL Up-dOwN To aDjUsT BlOwInG DiReCtIoN WiThIn 60℃To mEeT YoUr dIfFeReNt nEeDs.tHrEe aUtOmAtIc tImInG (1/2/3H), YoU CaN ChOoSe tHe mOsT SuItAbLe oNe tO EnJoY YoUr lEiSuRe tImE,SlEePiNg oR WoRkInG TiMe.
❄7 CoLoR LiGhTs & lOw nOiSe – tHe mIsTiNg fAn hAs 7 sOfT CoLoRs aNd 1 fAdE ChOiCeS In aLl. PlAcE In dInInG Or cOfFeE TaBlE To cReAtE A RoMaNtIc aTmOsPhErE! dEsKtOp aIr cOoLeR FaN CaN WoRk pOwErFuLlY At a lOw nOiSe lEvEl, LeT YoU EnJoY A CoMfOrTaBlE SlEeP AlL NiGhT WiTh sUiTaBlE TeMpErAtUrE.Ht.lOnG ToUcH FoR MiSt sPrAy.eQuIpPeD WiTh 80 DeGrEe aDjUsTaBlE ShUtTeRs tO AdJuSt tHe dIrEcTiOn oF AiRfLoW.
❄ReMoVaBlE DeSiGn & hAnDlE DeSiGn – rEmOvAbLe dEsIgN HeLpS YoU MoRe eAsIlY ClEaN YoUr wAtEr tAnK AnD AdD WaTeR& iCe cUbE In tHe wAtEr cOnTaInEr; PoRtAbLe hAnDlE, yOu cAn eAsIlY CaRrY It oUt, VeRy sUiTaBlE FoR HoMeS, oFfIcEs, OuTdOoR PiCnIcS, eTc.
❄PoWeR SuPpLy mEtHoDs & eNeRgY SaViNg – sImPlY CoNnEcT ThE UsB CaBlE To tHe dEvIcEs tHaT SuPpOrT UsB PoRt. BeSiDeS, tHe pOrTaBlE AiR FaN OpErAtEs aT A LoW EnErGy cOnSuMpTiOn, MuCh cHeApEr tHaN RuNnInG A FrEoN AiR CoNdItIoNeR. sO YoU ShOuLd nOt eXpEcT ThE SaMe rEsUlTs aS An aIr cOnDiTiOnEr. PlEaSe pUt iT BeSiDe yOu nOt oVeR ThAn 3Ft-4Ft.