VTWILLA FoLdAbLe-tOy-dRoNe-wItH-Hq-wIfI-CaMeRa-rEmOtE-CoNtRoL-FoR-KiDs-qQUaDcCOpTeR-WiTh-PhOtOgRaPhY gEsTuRe-sElFiE-FlIpS- hEaDlEsS MoDe BoUnCe-mOdE-ApP-OnE-KeY TaKe-oFfSuPpOrTs/lAnDiNg

VTWILLA FoLdAbLe-tOy-dRoNe-wItH-Hq-wIfI-CaMeRa-rEmOtE-CoNtRoL-FoR-KiDs-qQUaDcCOpTeR-WiTh-PhOtOgRaPhY gEsTuRe-sElFiE-FlIpS- hEaDlEsS MoDe BoUnCe-mOdE-ApP-OnE-KeY TaKe-oFfSuPpOrTs/lAnDiNg

VTWILLA FoLdAbLe-tOy-dRoNe-wItH-Hq-wIfI-CaMeRa-rEmOtE-CoNtRoL-FoR-KiDs-qQUaDcCOpTeR-WiTh-PhOtOgRaPhY gEsTuRe-sElFiE-FlIpS- hEaDlEsS MoDe BoUnCe-mOdE-ApP-OnE-KeY TaKe-oFfSuPpOrTs/lAnDiNg
Price: ₹4,999.00 - ₹1,799.00
(as of Feb 11, 2025 13:07:09 UTC – Details)

Product Description


360 flip Aerial photography drone

drone drone

Product Features:

Body folding, one-click takeoff, one-click landing, fixed-height hover, air pressure fixed-height WiFi connection, APP control, gesture photography, gesture video, one-click return, Headless mode, trajectory flight, gravity sensing, speed adjustment, real-time transmission, MV image and video sharing, One photography camera.

drone battery drone battery

Body battery:

Charging time: about 45 minutesBattery capacity: 1800mAh lithium battery

mini drone mini drone

4K HD automatic photo taking

foldable drone foldable drone

Long flight time

foldable dronesfoldable drones

imported drone imported drone

1 drone1 remote control.1 charging cable.2 spare blades: 1 screwdriver.1 drone instruction manual.1 application instruction m

video drone video drone

Altitude Holding:

a camera lens, you can observe the scenery in the air and the ground on your phone with different perspectives.This drone can achieve super-altitude flight, suitable for viewing the panorama from above.When you press the altitude hold button, even if you don’t do anything, the drone will not descend, so you have a better experience.

Full functioning:

drone drone

360 degree Flip:

This drone has multiple features including 3D Flips, Headless Mode, Altitude Hold, FPV Transmission, One Key take off/ Landing, 3 Speed level Adjustment, gesture take photos/video, ect.

flip drone flip drone

Foldable and Probable:

After folding, it can be held in one hand, which is easy to carry, and also comes with a carrying bag , which can be easily taken to the field for use.

portable led drone portable led drone

Amazing Camera:

motion-level video resolution, HD, self-stabilizing electronic anti-shake head is added, which can effectively eliminate the shaking and shaking of the camera from different angles and improve the picture quality.

hd drone hd drone

Packing List:

1* RC Drone1* Remote Controller1* Drone Battery1* USB Cable4* Spare Propeller4* Protection Ring1* Screwdriver1* Storage Bag1* User Manual1* APP Instruction

【PaCk lIgHt, FlY FrEe】:It wEiGhS AbOuT As mUcH As aN ApPlE AnD FiTs iN ThE PaLm oF YoUr hAnD. cOmPaCt aNd cOnVeNiEnT, tHiS SmAlL DrOnE Is yOuR IdEaL TrAvEl cOmPaNiOn, TrAnSfOrMiNg hOw yOu cApTuRe yOuR FaVoRiTe mEmOrIeS. oPtIcAl fLoW DuAl cAmErA DrOnE WiTh dUaL LiGhTs & pOwErFuL MoToRs.
【FeAtUrEs】: fOlDaBlE DeSiGn, WiFi aPp cOnTrOl, DuAl hD CaMeRa, HeAdLeSs mOdE, aLtItUdE HoLd, HoVeR, 360 fLiP StUnT, 1 kEy tAkE-OfF/LaNdInG, gEsTuRe sElFiEs, EtC. fLyInG HeIgHt: (aBoUt 50 – 60 mEtErS) (PrImArY CaMeRa- 1080P & SeCoNdArY CaMeRa- 720p) FlYiNg tImE: 20-25 mIn, ChArGiNg tImE: 90 MiNs. DrOnE WeIgHt: 460 GrAmS
【DuAl cAmErA’S】: ThE DrOnE CoMeS WiTh dUaL CaMeRa wItH OnE Of iTs hD WiDe aNgLe lEnS CaN TaKe sElFiEs eAsIlY By hAnD GeStUrEs aNd sUpPoRtS ReMoTe cOnTrOl oF AeRiAl sHoOtInG AnGlE.EaSy sWiTcHiNg b/w dUaL CaMeRaS.
【PaCkAgE InClUsIoN】: BoX CoNtEnTs – 1 dRoNe, 1 BaTtErY, 1 rEmOtE CoNtRoLlEr, PrOpElLeR GuArDs, 1 UsB CaBlE FoR ChArGiNg, 1 UsEr mAnUaL, 2 eXtRa bLaDeS & 1 ScReW DrIvEr. BaTtErY ReQuIrEmEnTs: 3.7v 1200mAh lI FoR DrOnE (iNcLuDeD), ThReE 1.5v ‘Aa’ SiZeD BaTtErIeS FoR ReMoTe (NoT InClUdEd).MaDe fRoM AbS PlAsTiC MaTeRiAl, 100% sAfE FoR KiDs bAtTeRy
【GrEaT PrEsEnT】:iF YoU ToO ArE On tHe sEaRcH Of a nIcE PrEsEnT, tHeN ThIs oPtIcAl fLoW DrOnE By dHrUsTiCk iS ThE AnSwEr! FoLdAbLe wIfI FpV OpTiCaL FlOw 4-aXiS DuAl cAmErA AeRiAl dRoNe wItH DuAl fLaSh lIgHtS ReMoTe cOnTrOl dRoNe.

Author: ram kumar

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